Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Pages, Word, Inspiration

Technology is a tool that we use for practical purposes. Pages, Word, and Inspiration are all softwares that help me create and organize resources for my prospective students and for myself. I believe I will use all the skills that I learned in class because they make teacher's job easier.

For example, in Pages, I created a flyer and an article easily. Pages has many templates to choose from. Also pages' tools are simple. I feel that any software should be simple and easy because teachers do not have a lot of time to learn difficult softwares.

Another practical software is Word because it allows you to make quizzes and test quickly. Words has tools that allow you to make tables. Tables are great because quizzes and other worksheet appear neat and they are also are easy to follow.

The last software that is beneficial for teachers and prospective teachers is inpiration. the graphic organizers can be used for assessment as well as a  guide that helps student's understanding on different topics. Like the other software, Inspiration is easy to use because the tools are very understanding.

As one can see, all the softwares are beneficial for different reasons. However, I found pages to be the most beneficial because all the different tools it comes with. In pages, you can make a flyer, test, articles, and other things that are useful for teachers. It also has templates that were created with teachers in mind. For example they have a yearbook template. Pages allows you to create quality works without investing a lot of time and without spending a lot of money.




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